Employment law is more involved than many realize, it includes Hiring, Health and Safety, Human Rights, Termination, Mediating Disagreements, Workplace Investigations, among other areas. At FullForce Legal Services we have a vast array of services available surrounding Employment Law. To ensure we are the right fit for your business we offer a FREE 30 min consultation.
See below for a brief overview of some legal areas of Employment Law.
“Slow to hire”
“Slow to hire” also known as - investigate, check references, make sure you are hiring the employee that is the right fit for your company and you.
When hiring a new employee take your time and do your due diligence. Unsure on the right questions to ask or don’t have the time to properly vet a new employee? We can help.
Terminating employees can be one of the most stressful, difficult, and risky matters a manager or business owner may ever have to do with an employee. Often the act of ending somebody’s livelihood can be almost as traumatic for the employer as it is for the employee. Not only are there emotional obstacles to hurdle but also serious legal and financial implications that could have a devastating effect if the termination is not properly executed from beginning to end. The five main types of termination are For Cause, Without Cause, Layoff, Resignation, and Retirement. Each type of termination has its own procedure to follow and adhere to in order to assure the best outcome for both parties.
Don’t be careless when terminating your employee; Carelessness can have a detrimental impact for your company.
What is Mediation?
A disagreement between two or more employees affecting their work performance and creating a toxic work environment? If may be time to consider bringing in a neutral party to mediate an agreement between the parties to resolve the issue. Sometimes employees are more comfortable “airing” out their grievances in front of a neutral party as to feel their employment is not at risk.
What can I use Mediation for in Employment Law?
Employee - Employer Disagreement
Employee - Employee Disagreement
Vendor - Company Disagreement
And More
Receive a complaint that an employee is being harassed, bullied, or discriminated against?
What are you to do next?
Sometimes it is hard to find an employee willing to work certain hours, do a specialized job, or maybe you were friends prior to hiring them and you are unsure how to proceed.
Every employee is different, and every situation is different. You may need some guidance; whether it is to terminate employment, file a human rights complaint, or bring in an outside person to mediate between the people involved. There are important questions you will have to ask yourself before you act.
Fortunately, you have some options and we can help!
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